On TripAdvisor, Kobe Motomachi Shopping Street is ranked #40 out of 762 attractions in Kobe. 66 travelers have posted their reviews about the street in English. Along the street, however, only 2 attractions are listed on TripAdvisor; Kobe Fugetsudo Museum, which is ranked #119 out of 762 attractions in Kobe and which have had only 1 review in English, and Gallery Miyake,#412, which has no review in any language. Even Motomachitaki Park, which is listed on Google Map, isn’t listed on TripAdvisor.
Not all the restaurants along the street are listed. Only a few of them have reviews. Some reviewers of the shopping street itself sound to have just strolled through it, regretting that they found fewer people as they walked to the west end of the street.
If the shopping mall wants to attract more people into walking through the street and into more shopping, they have to list all the attractions and restaurants along the street, and even have to post the first reviews in English for themselves.
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